Fast forward about three years, Mina and Chanmi were at an amusement park and a man who was there with his niece continued staring at the mother. Of course she was a little freaked out by it at first and avoided eye contact but he eventually got the courage to speak to her. Come to find out he was actually a med student who had interest in her when they were in college together before she had gotten pregnant. A few dates later the two were official and Chanmi was getting to know this new man as her father. Since she hadn’t established any sort of connection with her biological father, she had no real reason to dislike Eric, so she was happy since her mother was so happy. When Chanmi was four, the family picked up and moved to Eric’s hometown of Sydney, Australia where the young girl was excited and confused all at once. Eric’s family looked Korean, but they spoke weirdly?! English, this was the English language! Once explained, it all made sense.
This was where Chanmi began to study dance every day after she got back from school, all of her friends were made here and she even was a constant name on the honor roll at her school. This was also where Chanmi would have two more sisters, five and seven years younger than her. When she began high school, Eric and Mina decided to move back to South Korea and that was a very hard transition for her. Thankfully, they put her in an international school so she wouldn’t have to be left back, especially since she spoke the Korean language fluently and did very well in school beforehand. The hard part though was after school whens he would go her dance classes there and she would be teases for not doing things like they would, small things but teenagers were vicious no matter how big or small the differences were. It was hard to make friends for her, but her naturally friendly nature didn’t make it where she would be mean to them in return.
With her high school years out of the way, she knew it was time to decide on a college, and what better university than Yonsei? Ewha Womans Univesity had been a choice too, but she knew she couldn’t simply only be surrounded by women. Diversity was important for her. The greek life appealed to her, but where to go would be a constant battle. KD, ZTA, SK, DPE, they all seemed truly great in her humble opinion.
Observant: Though she does not always comment on what is happening in her surroundings, she is someone who plays very close attention to every little detail.
Naive: Despite always trying to be mature, Chanmi can be gullible and really easy to take advantage of. It’s a fatal flaw, really.
Sensitive: Sometimes it’s really easy for her to take things to heart, but she always tries to hide it. Crying in bathrooms happens more often than one would think.
Intelligent: From mathematics to history, Chanmi spent most of her childhood reading books upon books, studying and feeding her brain. This can be a downfall sometimes because jokes come off as literal and she answers them with a ‘logical’ answer.
Loyal: No matter how upset someone makes her, she isn’t the kind of girl to turn her back on a friend. Even fresh out of an argument she would help.
Outspoken: Never rude but always one to speak her mind. Or at least most of the time. If she feels it’s inappropriate, she usually will keep it to herself. It was not always this way, but after being misunderstood numerous times by Korean classmates and pinned with nicknames such as Bully Chanmi, she learned to just shut her trap in those times she feels unsure.
Social: In any situation, she might just walk up and talk to someone and spark up conversation. She genuinely has interest in others. Conversations about majors, careers, and hobbies are common with her. Films are something she tries to only bring up with those she knows will listen.
Naive: Despite always trying to be mature, Chanmi can be gullible and really easy to take advantage of. It’s a fatal flaw, really.
Sensitive: Sometimes it’s really easy for her to take things to heart, but she always tries to hide it. Crying in bathrooms happens more often than one would think.
Intelligent: From mathematics to history, Chanmi spent most of her childhood reading books upon books, studying and feeding her brain. This can be a downfall sometimes because jokes come off as literal and she answers them with a ‘logical’ answer.
Loyal: No matter how upset someone makes her, she isn’t the kind of girl to turn her back on a friend. Even fresh out of an argument she would help.
Outspoken: Never rude but always one to speak her mind. Or at least most of the time. If she feels it’s inappropriate, she usually will keep it to herself. It was not always this way, but after being misunderstood numerous times by Korean classmates and pinned with nicknames such as Bully Chanmi, she learned to just shut her trap in those times she feels unsure.
Social: In any situation, she might just walk up and talk to someone and spark up conversation. She genuinely has interest in others. Conversations about majors, careers, and hobbies are common with her. Films are something she tries to only bring up with those she knows will listen.